Thursday, April 03, 2008

Booking Through Thursday - Lit-Ra-Chur

- When somebody mentions “literature,” what’s the first thing you think of? (Dickens? Tolstoy? Shakespeare?)
- Do you read “literature” (however you define it) for pleasure? Or is it something that you read only when you must?

When I think of literature, I think of the books that Barnes & Noble includes in their Classics line. I know that there are other works of fine literature that are not in that line, but that is what comes to mind. Most of these books only hit my nightstand when they are chosen for our Classics month (February), but I do have a few lined up to read on my own. Jane Austen books are literature in my definition and I definitely read those for pleasure. Tolstoy? Hmmm. Maybe not. That goes on the someday list, but I don't really know when someday will arrive.

Sandy gave me a link that explains why I sometimes think that I might be invisible:
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

1 comment:

pussreboots said...

I would prefer Tolstoy to Austen. Happy BTT.