Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
He was less impressed by my alternative activity that resulted in a completed Willy Wonka costume. Performances are on 10 and 11 February, so the sewing machine is getting busy.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Oh, that scene above? No, young man has not grown a foot since last season. The boy in the front is one of his teammates who has just upended the opponent's stick and dropped the ball to the ground. Young Man is that sharp-eyed player in the background who is making a quick about face to pick up that ball. And how can I prove that? Well, I have the photographic evidence, of course.
Young Man's parents are completely biased, of course, but we think he played a very good game today. He was fast, tough, and unflinching in the face of much larger opponents. He had several good breaks and moved the ball back to the players on Attack.
Young Man wasn't the only one playing well. The entire team looked so good! They passed, they moved, they worked together! It is so fun to see the boys mature and learn from their coaches. It was quite impressive. Oh, and the score reflected all that hard work. Young Man's team won, 6-3. It was a great way to begin the season.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
It's a week or two later than you'd expect, and it may be almost a trite question, but ... what were your favorite books from 2008?
This is a good question and one that had me pondering for a while. I read a few books that I very much enjoyed and several that were good enough, but not on my best of the year list. Let's look back and some fun reads from 2008.
History - By far the best book I read in 2008 in this category was Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln, by Doris Kearns Goodwin. This book took more than a little time to go through, but it was worth every minute. Abraham Lincoln really was a genius and it was wonderful getting to know his contemporaries that don't always make it into the mainstream books. I do enjoy learning about all the history that I never saw in school.
Young Adult - Well, the favorite author of the year was definitely Frances Hardinge. I read both of her books this year and was delighted with both. I will say that Fly by Night was my favorite (slightly edging out Well Witched), but both books were wonderful. Fly by Night took readers to a fully-resolved fantasy world that was almost too scary. You see, books and reading were banned to most people in this world! One little, determined girl was out to change the world. She was an unlikely hero, but that is really the best kind.
Sci Fi - It wasn't the best book, but I got myself hooked on the Dresden Files series with Storm Front, by Jim Butcher. Harry Dresden is an intriguing character and I have been given promises from a friend that the series improves from the first book.
Autobiography - Okay, this was a tie and it is a tie between two totally different books. The first was Take Big Bites, by Linda Ellerbee. I just adore Linda and had a blast seeing her and Nora Ephron at the California Governor and First Lady's Conference in 2007. I had Linda autograph my copy of her latest book and enjoyed every last bite. The other favorite in this category was Time Bandit: Two Brothers, the Bering Sea, and One of the World's Deadliest Jobs, by Andy and Johnathan Hillstrand (and Malcolm MacPherson). Okay, the book is profane and Johnathan is probably not someone I would like to spend much time with (other than a beer, perhaps), but the book was still an interesting look at a lifestyle that I could never share.
Sunday, January 04, 2009

My review
rating: 4 of 5 stars
As usual, the book is far better than the movie. I was pleasantly surprised to see how closely to the book the movie was kept. Given the details in the book, that wasn't easy. As I had been told, the author's true feelings about the Church didn't really come out in this first book of the trilogy. I had no problem with he views, but I know of others who have been troubled. I think that Philip Pullman is a very talented author. He drew me into a world that was so different from my own and yet, I never questioned it. Lyra is such a strong child. She made me wish that I had been stronger in my youth. On to the second book!
View all my reviews.
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Friday, January 02, 2009
Notes: What can I say that hasn't already been said about this pattern? You never know how it will look until it is finished! I had my doubts halfway in, but the end is fine. I used a tubular cast on and castoff so the ends look very nice. This one is a gift and I think it is even prettier than the one I made for myself.
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Project: NFL Team Quilt
Size: Twin
Notes: These are blocks from a block swap that I was in years ago in the Quilting forum. It was after this one that I gave up on block swaps. I thought that the instructions were very clear, but it was surprising to me how many ways people could interpret them! I had to rework nearly half of the blocks before I could put the quilt top together. The final result was worth the trouble. Young Man grew out of his I-Spy quilt (I had cleverly made it reversible so we did get a little more time with it) and really wanted something more grown up. He loves football and was excited to learn that this set of blocks was for him.