One Down, Three to GoIn response to the recent explosion of new projects that has occured in my craft room, I have signed on with the semi-annual Character Building Exercise (CBE) with the
Knit & Chat crew. I committed to finishing the four projects noted in my sidebar before buying more yarn, needles, or patterns (unless the supplies are needed to finish the stated projects). I also solemnly swear not to start any new projects until all four old projects are off the needles.
This promise is already proving difficult. On my drive to work this morning, I found myself wondering if some Cherry Tree Hill yarn I have would work for
Clapotis. This is, of course, a direct result of attending a gathering of knitters where two separate samples of the design were in work. The good news is that I have now finished one of the four pr
ojects! The Kid Poncho is finished! I have to say, what was I thinking? Boucle and Fun Fur, oh, my! The end result is actually pretty cute. It did take more Fun Fur than the pattern stated (I used 1 1/2 balls). It probably could have stood a thinner fringe, but you really can't have too much fluff on a little girl's poncho, can you?

Just before embarking on the CBE, I cast on for
Tivoli. At 25 rounds, this is still fun. I'm just about ready to shape the armholes, so I may not be so happy by tomorrow. I had fun knitting around and around while chatting with the gang last night. It was fun to see no fewer than four socks in work. Last week, my sock was so lonely that it didn't want to come again! Maybe mine will have a mate by next week. All of my knitting was sad to say goodbye to
CBear. Her parting gift to me was the source code for the progress bars. I am so happy with the bars, but will miss her wit at Starbucks. I wish her all the best on her move to Iowa. Don't be a stranger, okay?