It's A Good Thing ...... that lacrosse scrimmages start tomorrow because I was really running low on material.
... that I am not too hard on myself when I do stupid stuff. Today's example is Vogue Knitting. I don't think I have ever actually knit anything from the magazine, but I still like reading it and getting inspiration from the crazy stuff. Still, I think I need to get a subscription. I picked up a copy of the Holiday 2009 issue today and was nearly finished reading it when it dawned on me that some of the pictures looked familiar. I quick trip into the stack of magazines waiting to be dealt with let me know that I managed to buy this issue twice. A mind is a terrible thing to lose.
... that it is time for Samuel Adams Winter Lager.
Mmmmmm. Some beer purists don't like winter mixes that include a hint of pumpkin or spice, but I really enjoy this beer. It goes quite nicely with chili and that is what I made for dinner tonight (chili and cornbread, no less).
... that it is Friday because this week seemed to drag on forever! We accomplished a lot at work (we are getting ready for a big design review and we had several other big
pre-review meetings), but I'm beat.
... that I don't have any deadlines on my other new web endeavor. I took over web page updates for the
Booster Club for Young Man's lacrosse team. It hadn't been touched in several years, so there were a lot of broken links to mend and really, really old data to purge. I need to grab the coaches this weekend and get some new pictures to post.
... that there are really talented designers out there so that I can just make things without worrying about the design part. Yes, that was the segue for a little knitting content.

Yarn: Trekking
Notes: This is a test knit that I worked on during my summer vacation. Sitting on a wooden swing knitting was the perfect way to keep an eye on the boys swimming while staying fairly warm. Sadly, this sock has since been
frogged (or ripped, since the pattern was Ripple). I like the pattern and I like the yarn, but the two together wasn't working for me. The other problem was that shortly before I got to this point on the sock I decided that I had found an error in the pattern. I had finally figured out that the error was quite a bit earlier and just as I was going to email the suggestion,
Turtlegirl came up with an update. Once I had ripped back to where I could fix it, I decided to keep ripping. I will knit up the yarn and I will knit the pattern, but I won't put the two together again.