Saturday, September 16, 2006

Sky, Trash, and Scarf Time

Today was another beautiful day. The California Chapter of Engineers Anonymous participated in one of our annual public works events. Today was Coastal Clean-up day and we took part in the Inner Coastal Watershed Clean-up activities. The idea is to pick up trash from the creeks before it gets washed into the river and out into the ocean. We picked trash for almost three hours and then helped plant some native plants along the banks of our local creek. We emerged dirty, tired, and happy to have made a noticable difference.

We found the usual collection of broken glass, candy wrappers, straws, and cigarette butts. We also found a few more unusual items. Young Man found a new shoe and a filthy t-shirt. Mr. Engineer found sections of pipe and a comforter hanging from a tree. For most of the cleaning, I was feeling left out in the unusual trash race. Then I went to retrieve the comforter from the tree (it was a short tree and I could reach the comforter from the bank of the creek). I found a telecom punch-down panel and several feet of fiberglass insulation batting.

It felt really good to help out and we were rewarded with a cleaner park and creek as well as t-shirts, pizza and a concert. Wow! We would have done it for free! We'll be back to the park next year.

After cleaning up, it was time for some quiet activities like knitting! It almost feels like fall here, but it is warming up again. I still want to get started on some scarves and I found a clearance sale on Cashsoft DK. I love working with this stuff because it is so very soft. I give you a Saturday Sky (blue, of course) and Interlocking Balloons (in charcoal).

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

The Interlocking Balloons is on my list of 'future' scarfs to knit. I will look forward to seeing its progress!