Friday, December 17, 2004

Words From a Play

I have many rants I would like to vent today, but it is just not in me. Tonight, I will watch adorable children perform a holiday program based on The Polar Express, the song Santa Baby is running through my head, and I am filled with cheer (or at least the satisfaction of knowing that the teacher gifts and goodie bags are delivered).

So, no rants for me today. Instead, I post a few bits from the play Golden Child by David Henry Hwang. Mr. Hwang was featured this week on Susan Stamberg's NPR series, Scenes I Wish I Had Written. These are excerpts from speeches from First Wife.

"What is this mania for honesty? What is family, anyway, but a loose collection of people with nothing in common but blood? Does blood cause all people to think alike, to love, or even like one another? Of course not. If we had wandered where our emotions might take us, we would all have murdered each other ages ago."

"The fact that something is new simply means it has not had the time to disappoint us."

I am especially trying to remember that second one as I search for the "perfect" gifts.

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