Saturday SocksLife is moving at warp speed again. Wednesday was Young Man's 9th birthday. NINE! Where has the time gone? He is happy and having a great time with his latest Transformer and all is well. The Saturday sky from last week is far more interesting than today's sky, so I am posting this one for Sandy.

Speaking of time moving on, it is already Socktoberfest. Yet another one has snuck up on me. In honor of that, here are my answers to
Lolly's introductory questions.
When did you start making socks?I started making socks in 2005. I never thought that I would enjoy handknit socks. Boy, was I wrong! I love my socks!
Did you teach yourself or were you taught by a friend or relative? or in a class?I am completely self-taught. I used free instructions from an internet tutorial put together on the
Knit & Chat Delphi Forum and then went on with books and other instructions.
What was your first pair? How have they "held up" over time?I finished my first pair in
April 2005. I still like them, but I haven't worn them in quite a while.
What would you have done differently?The biggest thing that I would have changed is that I would have used a stretchier cast-on. At the time I knit these, I only knew one cast-on. The cast-on edges are too tight and the yarn has broken twice when attempting to wear them. They are now in the mending box (a.k.a. The Box of No Return) waiting for me to re-knit the cuffs.
What yarns have you particularly enjoyed?Oh, boy, I love sock yarn! I liked the Trekking that I discovered this summer and I really adored the Mountain Colors Bearfoot that I discovered last summer (sooooo soft!). I'm starting to become adicted to Koigu and one of my local yarn shops has started stocking Koigu KPPPM. Just what I needed! I also like Opal yarns and how can I forget Wildefoote? Face it, I just love sock yarn!
Do you like to crochet your socks? or knit them on DPNs, 2 circulars, or using the Magic Loop method? I haven't tried crocheting socks. I used to crochet a lot and was quite good at it, but I really prefer knitting. I also haven't tried using circular needles on socks. I love my DPNs. Okay, so I love them less when I reach into my bag and come out with a stab wound. I need one of those cool needle cover thingies that Stephanie discovered (either
wooden or
Which kind of heel do you prefer? (flap? or short-row?)Most of my socks have been knit with flap heels. I've only made one short-row heel. I liked the effect, but I need more practice.
How many pairs have you made?This question prompted me to do a count. I have made 23 3/4 pairs of socks! Here they are (less four pairs that were gifted out of the family). How's that for
showing my socks, Jane?

As promised, this is a better picture of the Koigu Birthday socks that I completed recently. The colors are hard to capture, but the combination of teal, blue, and purple reminds me of our relaxing week at the lake in July. It seems so long ago! The current socks on the needles are Lacy Scallops from Sock Bug. I am knitting them in the original Opal Petticoat. These are bright! They should make a great gift for Young Man's teacher. I love socks.