Well, maybe not really, but today was a surprising day. I actually entered a Yarn Shop, returned four skeins of yarn, and DID NOT buy more yarn!!!!! Mr. Engineer is completely shocked. I'm rather surprised, but not shocked. I know how large the stash has become.
The return was because I did not need all the yarn I purchased for the Roundabout Leaf Tank from Knitting Nature. I finished the tank in early July, but didn't get around to returning the extra until today. Here are picks of the tank blocking and on me.

Yarn: Takhi Cotton Classic (5 skeins)
Needles: US 7
Notes: A fun and challenging knit. This went together much more quickly than I expected. I do wish that I had knit a bit more before joining as I think my "tail" hangs too close to center. I modified the pattern by picking up stitches for the straps in the front and in the back and grafting at the back. I think that looks cleaner and more consistent. Okay, so I hate seaming and will do almost anything to avoid it!

Oh, and the sky is blue. It's almost always blue. Bit annoying, if you ask me.